Hobbies Are Like Assholes, Wait, No That's Opinions

... But we should all have one! We talk a lot of smack about food. It’s good, it’s bad, it’s delicious, it tastes like the floor mat of my car, etc. I focus on it all the time because that is just how I am, and it is the primary reason I was heavy to begin with. I manage it better now and have kept it off (all except these stubborn last few pounds that are too attached to me and refuse to take a vacation). As a “maintainer”, I find it is critical for me to find ways to not think about food the same way I used to. It would be very easy for me to fall back into that lifestyle. Easier maybe, because now I have an additional excuse. “Well I am still in the right weight range, this double bacon fatty cheeseburger won’t hurt.”.

I can’t let that get the best of me. So what do we do? It sounds so Granny May.. hobby. Someone says the word Hobby to me and I feel like punching them in the spleen. But there are fun things to do besides eat (who knew!). While I was on my “weight loss journey”, I took up needlepoint. I never made anything with the ones I finished, I just viewed them as tools to keep my hands out of the refrigerator. It doesn’t have to be something so old lady like that either. Knitting is making a huge come back and there are some great new books and blogs about knitting out there too.

A hobby could be exercise, but I always wanted to know how to do something crafty I could do in front of the TV. Needlepoint was mine, knitting was for others… find something that you like to do… paint, draw, make jewelry, sew, Play-Doh, shrinky dinks with the ...whatever! Make it fun and do it often. Soon you will realize it is time for bed and you forgot all about that ice cream you wanted 3 hours ago. (Well maybe not forgot, but was too busy making Play-Doh breast implants for barbie to go get it.)

It’s not that we shouldn’t eat. Eat! But it’s the boredom eating that got me into trouble and I imagine I am not the only one out there. As such, I am curious if there are other ideas you could add to the list. What do you do to keep your hands busy?